Maysam Hindy – Unspoken ما لا يُروى

Maysam Hindy
Unspoken | ما لا يُروى
04 May 2023 - 27 June 2023

Marfa’ is pleased to present Unspoken, the gallery’s first solo exhibition of the artist Maysam Hindy.

Hindy’s series of paintings features multiple characters, sitting in their familiar spaces, surrounded by their personal still lives that populate their environments. They are seated, in paintings, behind their narratives.

Patterned clothing, objects and surroundings showcase parts of their routines and identities.
They are familiar, they resemble and allude to people we’ve seen and known throughout our lives – a man drinking beer in his pajamas, a woman surrounded by balcony plants… – sights, postures and faces that populate the urban landscape.

The characters are seated with the artist, she is invited into their intimate space, a complicity transpires between them: “They withhold stories about friends, loved ones, and families and they are mine”.

Their worries could resemble ours, they look back at us, at the viewers, with familiarity.Unspoken is the artist telling the stories of ordinary people, in their ordinary homes, in their ordinary city.